First things first, only one person for a given team needs to sign up for an account. But with great power, comes great responsiblity. Whichever member of the team (player, coach or parent) that signs up for the account will be responsible for the following: - Creating your team account and populating/updating your team profile page
- Registering your team to play in events, whether that be the OJCS League or an OJCS Bonspiel
- Entering scores after each game (this only applies to league games)
So ideally, please make sure the person you choose is able to do all three of the above actions on a consistent basis.
TERMS OF SERVICE Our terms of service are quite simple really:
- Please populate your team profile page with accurate information that does not use offensive language.
- Please ensure that you enter accurate scores for the league games. We understand though that mistakes happen. If so, please reach out to a member of the OJCS team so we can make the required change.
That's pretty much it. If you see anyone breaking these two simple rules, just let us know.